Bird of Paradise

Strelitzia Nicolai


Strelitzia Nicolai, also know as Bird of Paradise is a plant species are tropical and much similar to bananas (often called as Wild bananas) as they grow vertically with erected woody stems which can reach a height of 20 ft. They produce the best ever beautiful tropical flowers. They are the easiest to grow indoor tropical plants. Their leaves are beautifully long, gray and green in color. Flowers come with beautiful dark blue bract, white sepals, and a bluish-purple “tongue”. This plant has the ability to grow up to 20 feet tall with a spread of 6 to 10 feet in an ideal natural habitat. In containers, it can grow up to 15 feet or less. This plant requires full sun and can also tolerate low light zones in warm conditions. It grows best in rich, perfectly drained loamy soil. Adequate watering to this plant is essential for keeping the soil moist. This plant is native Mozambique, Botswana, and Zimbabwe.

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