The leaves of fittonia albivenis are green withdeep veins that are colored pink. The underside of the leaves is a lighter green color.
The leaves of fittonia albivenis are green withdeep veins that are colored pink. The underside of the leaves is a lighter green color.
The ferns are extremely diverse in habitat,form, and reproductive methods. Some are twining and vine like; others float on the surface of ponds.
This is an attractive foliage plant noted for itspalmately lobed glossy dark green leaves
Shrubs or small trees. Slender gray uprightstems are topped by tufts of arching, glossy, sword-shaped leaves with a thin white lines down the center
Simple with entire margins and a pointed tip,and are dark green with dense white/cream spots.
The leaves are widely spaced along theupright stems, giving the plant an open, airy appearance
The leaves have parallel, lengthwise veins andare solid green or variegated with yellow and cream, glossy, leathery, flexible, lanceolate in shape, smooth-edged, and spirally arranged along the branches.